Thursday, 31 August 2023

Getting the kids ready for going back to school

The school summer holidays is always the longest break in routine for our kids. Whilst our kids with autism struggle with these changes, many kids find the transition into and out of school holidays challenging. 

Remind them of their skills 

Whatever level your child is working at giving them a few reminders of their skills - of what they can do before returning to the classroom can help.  David can match some pictures with words and Jane can spend some time reading.  

Jane has also written a small play on the laptop and this is great for thinking about spelling and grammar.  We've also involved the kids in simple maths questions when out shopping or doing tasks around the house.  It's really just about getting the kids minds working again so if they like activities using some free maths worksheets from DoodleLearning or something similar might work better.  

Practice with any devices

Whatever technology the kids use at school that perhaps have got dropped during the holidays can be reintroduced so it's familiar when they get back to the class room.  David uses an iPad, Anthony does a lot of work via a chrome book and Jane uses google classroom in school.   But it could be anything.  

It could be that they use one of market leaders in the field of speech recognition technology or engage with a range of sensory.  Whatever it is they might get back into the swing of things with some practice at home.

Cut back on holiday routines 

Whether they have been spending extra time watching television, getting up late or staying up to play, cutting back a little will help when they have to suddenly change routine and get back into one for school. 

Of course I'm talking about returning to normal daily routines that often go out of the window in the holidays. We've been travelling lots of the summer, through some time zones and had lots of days out. This has meant we've changed things such and meal times and bed times. The kids have been going to bed later and some mornings have been more relaxed. 

 In the run up to school starting we are trying to get back into the old morning and evening routines. Getting up, getting dressed and having breakfast by 8.30 so that come first day back, it's not such a shock.

Be prepared for the first day back

All our kids schools do a really good job in transition prep for the kids. They've all spent time with their new teachers and in their new classrooms. But there are the other things to be ready for.

School uniforms don't just need to be checked for fitting but the kids need to be re familiarised with them. We have them set out, making sure they fit and get their school shoes on their feet at least a few days before hand. School shoes can feel pretty stiff and hard after trainers or sandals during the summer so we try and get the kids senses adjusted a little before hand.
Have you any suggestions? 

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