Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Things to help me when life feels stressful

Woman sitting on a wondow sill

Stress can unbalance our emotions, and it can also make it much more difficult to react calmly to a situation. I've things, important things going on, and most of them I can't control.  I sometimes feel as though stress is slowly taking control of our lives and have to think of what I can do to release some of the pressure that's locked inside.  

Move about 

Moving around is very important. Moving around helps us to balance our nervous system and it also works wonders for our blood circulation.  Sometimes I try and do something that includes moving and a bit of effort for 20 minutes - like go for a walk or mow the lawn. If this is all you can do, then there is nothing wrong with this and anything is better than nothing.

Eat something healthy

It is so important that you eat well, but I rarely do. Caffeine, sugar and treats may feel as though they eliminate stress, but they can have a negative impact on my stress over the long term. Studies have found that bodies that are well-nourished tend to cope better so I try and start out with a solid breakfast instead of three cups of tea - I feel even better if I get some fruit into my breakfast as well.  In fact I find just making one healthy switch when I'm feeling like something sweet can help me feel more in control and better about myself.  By adding more water to your diet, you can really make yourself feel more awake and more energetic in the day too so I'll try and rink a glass of water when I notice I feel low. 

Connecting with others

Sometimes talking with someone is the best way for me to release those stress hormones.  My family are my top go to but I've also found other SEN parents and support groups essential at times and even the odd chat with work colleagues can help.  Try and lean on the good listeners in your life and also let them be there for you. A lot of people prefer to keep their problems to themselves, and this is the last thing that I need.  Whether it's a retreat to a mountain top or Sunnyside Clinic or a natter at a localparent support group, I need to seek support somewhere. 

Carve out time for hobbies or your own things

Do you feel as though you enjoy things like gardening, listening to music, reading or anything else.  I find spending a little time doing something I like essential - even if it's an online game on the playstation or just watching my choice of TV (I'm back on Downton Abbey at the moment). Either way, if you can you have to try and focus on things that bring you both pleasure and joy. Research has found time and time again that you can halve the stress you are under by simply trying to make more time for the fun things in your life. Having time for yourself, regardless of what you want to do, is essential.

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