Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Easter break activities and games for my kids at home

Jane holding her Little Live Pets Butterfly

It's the last week of Easter Break and despite the weather trying to convince us otherwise, it's spring at last.  So what can we do to keep our kids busy at home for the last week of the Easter holidays?


If you've got old toilet rolls tubes, paper, colours and perhaps a bit of cotton wool, you'll be able to make a bunch of things for Spring.  We've made a toilet roll bunny just by add ears and a nose, and a springy bunny by folding paper back and forth. I've got a bigger walkthrough for a fluffy bunny craft using cotton wool too.

There are lots of Spring basket templates online that you could copy or print out to store your crafts in too. Twinkl has lots of Spring themed stuff, way more than I can print out and they also have a new Twinkl Symbols resource to support SLCN. 

Spring themed toys and books

Of course running in the theme of eggs what could be more on theme than Hatchimals? Jane absolutely loves these adorable little animals that are born out of eggs. She had a giant one for Christmas and for Easter she's got a Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Spring Bouquet. With flowers being a bit of a spring connection too, my daughter loves hatching the little creatures and loved the flower eggs they came in.

We also have had treasure hunts for Spring themed items in the garden.  We found some Peter Rabbit books and characters and Jane loved this Little Live Pets Butterfly that actually flutters in your hand!  We also found a several books about spring and growing. 

cakes with Oreo tails

Baking and cooking

This is big in our home at the moment.  Jane got a Rosanna Pansino cookbook and cake decorating supplies for her birthday last week, bit we've been baking for ages.  If you aren't great you can always get a 'kit'.  We have used one of these to make 'burrowing bunny' cupcakes. It's a lovely theme and we had some of the kids going around pretending to be bunnies diving under blankets in a game or virtual hide and seek.

This chocolate nests recipe, requires no actual melting, and has ingredients mostly available in the shops if you need them so you could get them when doing your essential shop. It's easy and safe too.

For those with savoury tooth, we also have and Rabbit Toast that's really fun to do using bread and an egg.   It's actually really fun and effective.  We usually boil eggs and colour their shells when cool, but I don't think we will have enough this year to all do one.

We're lucky to have a garden to be out in this weekend, which will give something else to do too.

Have you got any suggestions?

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