Monday, 24 February 2020

Kids books about autism, difference and acceptance

I’ve loved reading books with autistic characters and even more so, books with autistic kids characters too.  But I can’t share these with my kids yet. Especially as our younger kids are six and eight and the eight year old has many communication challenges. However for this audience (my kids) these books are all perfect.

Lola's Wobbly Lunchtime by Jodie Isitt

This story follows Lola, the rabbit who has accidentally forgotten to take her ear defenders with her to school. She finds the day challenging and lunchtime is a bit scary. With some help from Bourbon her friend and the teacher she gets through it.

It’s a fantastic book that really describes what it’s like for Lola and how she interprets and copes with her environment. You can get a copy and more by going to the Kickstarter campaign

What Wesley Wore Book Cover

What Wesley Wore by Samuel Langley-Swain

Some kids, like mine, are different from other kids.  They don't seem to follow the norm with many parts of their lives and need support in being who they are, a square peg in a round hole.

In What Wesley Wore, all the weasels in Westburrow Wood are supposed to follow the rules and fit in. Did you know, a group of weasels is called a confusion? Well, imagine their confusion when they meet Wesley, a wacky weasel, who is obsessed with clothes! That's not very weasley is it.

As the other weasels plot and protest against Wesley, readers will be eager to find out what happens, in this heart-warming story about acceptance.

The Brownest Mouse in Town Book Cover

The Brownest Mouse in Town by Tarah .L. Gear

Our son Anthony is amazing. His memory is truly astonishing and he tries his very best. He's so determined and fearless with physical activities like climbing and racing. But he doesn't see that. He sees everyone else doing well and can't see that what he does is unique.

The Brownest Mouse in Town invites you to pay a visit to the Polka Dot Pet Shop... ...where every pet is marvellous, magical and unique. Every pet that is, except a plain, brown mouse who doesn’t feel special at all. This heartfelt story of self-confidence teaches young readers not to judge by appearances, to be proud of their uniqueness and to believe in their own strengths.


  1. These are such amazing books. Teaches little ones so many. Thank you for sharing this post

  2. These all sound so heartwarming. Thank you for sharing them!

  3. These books look fantastic as it is so important that kids books carry positive messages whilst their readers brains are like sponges.

  4. These books look great. Thanks for sharing x #KCACOLS

  5. What a great round up. I've used a few books to help explain a few emotions to my son. has been very handy. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time!

  6. These books look brilliant I will have to try them with my boys, thanks for sharing them #SpectrumSunday

  7. These books look wonderful. Helping to explain emotions can be very difficult #KCACOLS

  8. These books sound fantastic. I love a book that provokes a really good chat with your children afterwards. #KCACOLS

  9. Thanks for these, my son has just been referred for suspected AHD I had been thinking about getting him some books about this #KLTR

  10. Great to see a selection of books like this, there definitely needs to be more of them and be more widely available. #KLTR

  11. Thank you so much for creating this list - I haven't heard of any of these but will need to look them up in the library system once things return to normal. Thanks for linking up with #KLTR


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