Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Make a Pearl of Wisdom for the New Year 2019

Too many messages can be confusing for many kids.  Especially ones like some of mine with autism and ADHD, or just when they are younger, like Jane, thinking of many things can be challenging. We tried this fun kids craft, highlighting a 'pearl of wisdom' or a special thing for the kids to remember for 2019, a bit like a New Years resolution for kids. 

This fun craft highlights something important that your kids can refer to year round.  And  by creating it themselves they not only use and develop their motor-skills (which can be delayed in many kids with autism and good for those with dyspraxia) but have a better chance of remembering their resolution or 'pearl of wisdom'.

To create your own, you will need:

  • A paper plate or card circle
  • A silver pen, colours, foils or paint,
  • A polystyrene or other craft ball
  • A glue stick
  • Glitter or alternative such as sparkle sand
  • A hole punch or sharp pencil and tac
  • A gift tag (perhaps from Christmas) with string or ribbon, and pen or pencil to write on it

To make your pearl of wisdom:
  1. Start by making your oyster.  Colour or paint your paper plate silver, or cover it in foil.  Once it is dry, fold it in half to make an open oyster shape.
  2. Make your pearl sparkle - we covered a polystyrene ball in glue stick and then in sparkle sand. Stick your pearl into the mouth of your oyster.
  3. Write your resolution or note of wisdom on the tag and add a string or ribbon to attached it to. 
  4.  Punch a hole in the top of your oyster and attach your tag. 
Here's some of the pearl's of wisdom we have had:

"When things go wrong I will try and learn what I could do better"
"When I am sad I will try to think about what makes me happy"
"I will try to remember that I am a good person and don't need to be upset with myself"
"I love my family and will try and spend time being with them"

This craft uses a lot of bilateral motor skills (using both hands in coordination) by holding and sticking and also helps practice writing and colouring.

What would you write or help your kids write in theirs?


  1. What a marvelous idea! Pinning this!


  2. That is such an awesome idea and so simple! What a great fun craft! Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime

  3. Now this is a great idea! Fun for all! #kcacols xxo

  4. Such a great idea!! Love it!! I Tweeted this and followed you! Thanks for sharing. My boys will love this! #KCACOLS

  5. What an absolutely wonderful idea! #KCACOLS

  6. What a sweet idea and something which has meaning too, I love it!

  7. This is such a lovely idea - I love that its something they choose a message for and can make themselves.

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  8. This is such a lovely idea! #KidsandKreativity

  9. I've not come across this idea before. It sounds and looks like a lovely creation. #KidsandKreativity

  10. What a lovely idea! and a great craft too.. Thanks for linking up with #KidsandKreativity, hope to see you back next time x


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