Monday, 5 February 2018

Moving up in education for my autistic kids

Boy in library

We are in the midst of school visits.  Anthony will soon be leaving primary school and heading to secondary school.  Through school, as a child with autism and ADHD, Anthony has had some support to help him.

He's just going through a process to continue his support through a document called an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  The great thing about this is that, it may support him all the way up to 25, if he needs it.   Because who knows what options he may take when he makes his next move up in education.

We live in England, so like all other kids, Anthony will have to stay in education or training until he is 18. However, he won't need to spend all his time learning - he could combine it with training or with paid or unpaid voluntary work.  So he might move to another school, go to a further education mainstream or specialist college, do an internship or apprenticeship or some other kind of work experience.

This post has been updated with the latest options here.


  1. A great post, being ten steps ahead is something that is so important to our children. I hope the EHCP switch over goes well x

  2. It seems like a long way to think ahead, but it will be here in a flash I know! x

  3. I have thought quite a lot recently about FE, GCSEs and whether it’s going to be within Joseph’s reach. It’s interesting that a lot of children with LD are also academically a few years behind yet still there is a focus for GCSEs at 16.


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  8. Interesting post - I hadn't heard about summer schools for autistic pupils thinking of going to university so will definitely have a look in to that - thanks. #neurodiversitynotions

  9. Such a useful post.
    I wish EHCPs were used by universities, but we still used Nathan's as a base point for his needs at uni & it was useful when we applied for disabled student's allowance and for his needs assessment.

  10. Hope the EHCP goes through straightforwardly!
    This is a really helpful post and great to know what options lie ahead! The summer school idea for university sounds like a great idea!
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