Wednesday, 8 November 2017

WonderfulWednesday: It's the BAPS Awards via @weareMFON

If you missed the big fuss last year when the SEND Blogger BAPS Awards were launched, then lucky you get to be wowed from the outset.  My slightly belated wonderful Wednesday post is about this years BAPS Awards - they were so successful they are back and looking better than ever.

The BAPS (that's Bloody Awesome Parent(S)) Blog Awards celebrate Special Educational Needs & Disabilities bloggers, recognising their valuable contribution to raising awareness of additional needs, both within the SEND community and the wider society.  Even though to be honest I think all parents are pretty amazing, it's great that SEND Bloggers get this chance to shine.

Having been nominated in the Newcomer category last year (which was won by lovely but slightly (!) sweary Tina at Joseph's Amazing Spectrum Coat) I attended the awards and have to say they were fantastic.  Everyone supported each other, just like many SEND parents do everyday.  I'm not at all surprised to see them back and in full force.  This year they have some brilliant categories including:

  • Best Newcomer
  • Best Microblogger
  • Blogger making a difference
  • Best practical advice for families
  • Most entertaining blog
  • Blog post that made the biggest impact
  • Best non-parent blog to write for

And I love some of these categories.  Microbloggers are often missed in awards - but they share some of the best short stories and moments.  The world of SEND can be very busy and I think sometimes short and sweet is perfect!

Helping our community is highlighted in several categories including Blogger making a difference, Best practical advice for families, Best non-parent blog to write for and even the Blog post that made the biggest impact.  Many bloggers have their top posts on their side bars like I have or pinned to their profiles - see which one's you love.

And Most entertaining blog reminds us it's not all doom and gloom - because really it's not! 

What more is there to say, nominations close on the 17th November - get behind us SEND Bloggers and vote here. xx
You Baby Me Mummy


I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.

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