Wednesday, 27 September 2017

WonderfulWednesday: UK Autism Hero Awards

Last Wednesday of the month - time for sharing something great I've found or learnt about online in my Wonderful Wednesday post.  And this month I'm highlighting the UK Autism Hero Awards.

Created by the Anna Kennedy Online Charity, the UK Autism Hero Awards was created by the  to showcase and celebrate the excellence taking place in the world of Autism.  They provide a way of celebrating and showcasing accomplishments and making people more aware and accepting of autism.

I'm particularly delighted that several of those I know from my online life are nominated as finalists. Tania from Special Needs Jungle, Chris Bonnello from Autistic Not Weird and Austin from Racing with Autism are amongst those you can vote for.   Here's a bit more of these from my blog:
  • I've written about Chris before in a wonderful Wednesday post about this brilliant publication "What we love most about life"
  • I've worked with Tania and written about one of their great calls for actions to end SEND Tribunal nightmares
  • I've been following Austin on facebook for a while. Karting is a big thing for our eldest too - it's opened door in all areas of his education.  Our lad is competing in his first race series this year and knowing that other autistic kids do it has been part of building his confidence to take part. I'm so pleased to see Austin on the awards list. 
Why not pop over and check out your favourites?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much for the mention! I was lucky enough to win the AK Online People’s Autism Hero Award last year so to be a finalist for top journalist is fantastic- I have no idea who nominated me! I’ve been a journalist my entire working life so it’s doubly nice 😁


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