Wednesday, 26 July 2017

WonderfulWednesday: SEND30DayChallenge via @mumsmissions

This month's wonderful Wednesday share isn't really a single post I found online.  It's a series I've found, all thanks to this idea of a Special Needs Bloggers 30 Day Challenge from Mum On A Mission.

Whether you are a blogger, Instagram addict or Facebook fan, the 30 day challenge is a simple way to generate and organise blog posts, photos, Facebook updates or videos based on the theme or idea from the day.

Fair enough - why is this wonderful then?  Well, I'll be honest, it's not always easy to figure what I want to write on my blog when.  Ideas come and go and sometimes they get missed.  It can be easy to fall out of blogging even when you don't want to and what I've loved about this challenge is I've found SEND bloggers coming out of the woodwork that I wasn't in touch with.  I've heard and found more from one blogger in a week than I have noticed in a month.  And that makes the community more connected.

Sometimes as a SEND parent life can be overwhelming and I'm loving that this challenge seems to be inspiring people to perhaps communicate and share more than they may have done and gives ideas for what they may love to share.

Here are some of my highlights:
Although this is a 30 day challenge it does not have to be done over 30 consecutive days.  This is really helpful too - we are all busy people and this means bloggers can fit them in as and when they can. I've not even had time to start but maybe I'll work through it slowly - like one a month?

All this makes the #SEND30DayChallenge wonderful - and my share for the month.  Seen something wonderful you think I should share, why not drop me a tweet or get in touch.

But I think you should have a look at what's around and what'd like to read too. If you taking part - feel free to drop a link in the comments below for people to check out.

You Baby Me Mummy


  1. This looks great, am looking forward to seeing more. Great that it doesn't have to be done over consecutive days - it takes the pressure off some! Thanks so much for linking up to #TriumphantTales - hope to see you again on Tuesday!

  2. Sounds like a great idea... if only I had the time ;) #SpectrumSunday

  3. That is a good idea - because it also helps people find the same sort of ideas to relate to.

  4. This is such a wonderful challenge. Thanks for making me aware of it. I am not a special needs parent but Laura from Mum on a Mission said I, being a disabled adult, can participate too.


I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.

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