Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Three well-thumbed books with autistic characters

Book Sherlock Holmes on table

Whereas some people wonder if Sherlock Holmes had Asperger's Syndrome, it's difficult to tell if this fictional character was designed on the autistic spectrum.  However, there are some absolutely brilliant novels which are, in my opinion, better for their autistic adult characters.  Even though I tend not to re-read books, mostly due to time, I find myself thumbing through for favourite scenes.  I've read lots with autistic children but I wonder about adulthood too.  I know few autistic adults and in some ways, though glamourised by text, these books give me some insight. Here's three of my well-thumbed ones that you may enjoy and learn a little from too.

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
This hilarious feel-good book is based around it's main character Don Tillman, a genetics professor whose difficulty with social interactions has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. Until he embarks on a new project. One that will find him the ideal partner. And then of course there is Rosie, an unsuitable prospect who needs his help.  If you are a romance reader like me, then this is the book for you.

The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon
Think GATTACCA meets Divergent.  The Speed of Dark is a book set in the future, where most genetic 'defects' are eliminated at birth.   Lou Arrendale was born a little too early to benefit from all science has to offer and is now a part of a small group of high-functioning autistic adults who have had to learn to adapt, to fit in. But a new 'treatment' has been created for autistic adults. Lou has to consider if he will have 'corrective' surgery and wonders if the change will make it easier for Marjory to love him back?  It's a little less romance and a bit more sci-fi.

Marcelo in the Real World by Lincoln Hoppe and Francisco Stork 
Marcelo was in some ways like our younger son as he spent most of his life in a special school that shielded him from the obvious - that he was quite different. Then one day his dad declares he must "enter the real world" by going to work in his law firm. From the mail room, Marcelo discovers about the harsh competition of the real world and comes to some other realisations when he finds a picture of a girl in file. Read more here.

Do you know any books with adult autistic charachters? What books would you recommend?


  1. Thank you for sharing these, I have a few friends I know it could help to know about book like these xx #postsfromtheheart

  2. Ooo I haven't read any of this but definitely will now. 'M is for Autism' is probably our favourite autism related fiction book here. #PostsFromTheHeart

  3. I would recommend the reason why I jump its written by a Japanese Autistic boy. It made me cry in places. I'm going to try and download The Rosie Project on my kindle it sounds right up my street 🌸 Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

  4. I am behind the theory that Sherlock Holmes had Asperger's. I think you are totally right #PostsFromTheHeart

  5. Dare I say I haven't read any of these? I will look into it though! I barely have time to ready all the linkys hahaha ;-) #SpectrumSunday

  6. I read and enjoyed the Rosie project. I think I'll get one of the others you mention for a holiday read! Have you read The Curious Incident .... " by Mark Haddon or House Rules by Jodi Piccoult? x #SpectrumSunday


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