Wednesday, 5 April 2017

WonderfulWednesday: Practice going to the cinema via @cuddlefairy

popcorn in a bowl

I've come across so much to share over the last week.  It's World Autism Awareness Week and that means I've been inundated with fantastic posts, videos etc. So perhaps I feel a bit weird by having this week's wonderful Wednesday post as nothing to do with autism or even special educational needs. It's just something that could make some lives a bit easier when out and about and that's a wonderful idea so here's a post from Cuddle Fairy on making a cinema at home.

It's the Easter Break and things can be a bit busy.  I'm really pleased that Dimensions announced a whole series of extra autism friendly screenings at cinema this month. Mostly I guess this is for World Autism Awareness Month but it happens to coincide brilliantly with the Easter Break. Hopefully it means more movie obsessed kids like mine, can go to the cinema.

Anthony has been able to go to the cinema for a while, but it can still be a bit daunting when we go with David and Jane too. Cuddle Fairy ran this post on having a cinema at home.  It's a play idea that I think would be great at introducing the key concepts in going to the cinema to kids with autism - like acting out a social story.

You could also add in actual photos from your own cinema in places so the kids can see what exactly things will look like. For example, a photo of the actual kiosk by the kiosk, and a photo of the inside of a cinema screen when you are on the sofa etc.  Make it as close to what you are going to do as you need to.  If it's important you could go and get the actual popcorn like they have at the cinema for example.

Overall, I thought it a lovely post and one that could help make a wonderful and successful experience for some kids. Do pop over and have a look.


  1. What a good idea, incorporating play into a way of preparing kids for something new. Thanks a bunch!

  2. Very good idea and I really appreciate your thoughts.Actually I really love to go to cinema.It would be would be Excellent at introducing the type concepts in going to the movies to kids with autism - like acting out a social story.Thank you so much for sharing such a interesting article and also it will very new for kids.


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