Friday, 21 April 2017

To our little star

We can't see a lot of the sky from where we are particularly.  However, our eldest loves looking out at the night.  The night tends to be more quiet which he likes.  He also sees light differently. 

April 29th will be International Astronomy Day.  Astronomy Day is an annual event intended to provide a means of interaction between the general public and various astronomy enthusiasts, groups and professionals. The theme of Astronomy Day is "Bringing Astronomy to the People," and on this day astronomy and stargazing clubs and other organisations around the world will plan special events. 

We've been told that people with autism often experience their sense differently - indeed this whole blog is called 'Rainbows are too beautiful' because the visual sight of them was overwhelming for our autistic son Anthony. 

At night he sees light in a unique way too.  He says that everything glows and makes him feel happy.  We'd happily sit in the car park outside the super market in the winter months when it gets dark early as he'd watch and describe all the lights.  Everything from the stars to the car park lighting.

We recently were gifted a Star Name Registry for Anthony.  Now he has a star named just after him and as it's extra bright, it's one he might even be able to see for himself one day.  It seems only appropriate that he gets one of the lights in the sky that he can call his own when he finds the light at night so enthralling.  

How do your kids see things differently?

Our Star was gifted by and was independently included in our post

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