Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Wonderful Wednesday: WRDD2017

Blue denim heart

Unless you or a member of your family have a rare disease, I don't imagine you know what's it's like. I don't.  Our kids have some conditions, none of them diseases, and none of them rare.  Autism diagnoses are at an all time high and the waiting times for many are too long. We have support through various condition related groups and charities.  I help at a local charity for disabled children and their families and we had a parent come in with a toddler who had a very rare condition.

By pure luck, a colleague had met another parent with a child a few months older with the same condition and with permission she was able to put the parents in touch with each other.  This was and still is the only 'other' one each of them know of and you won't be surprised that despite not living near to each other, the families have become close.  I think sharing about World Rare Disease Day is a wonderful thing and so this wonderful Wednesday post is a collection of some WRDD2017 posts.
These are all fantastic, wonderful reads.  Please go take a look to see World Rare Disease Day this year.


  1. How lovely to catch up on all the rare disease day posts!
    Thank you so much for including mine :)

  2. Thank you for highlighting these. Knowledge = power right. #PostsFromTheHeart

  3. I love this post so much, you are the kindest person I have ever met - always championing others. Thank you so much for reminding us all of the importance of this and for sharing this posts at #PostsForTheHeart I will be reading those x

    1. What a lovely thing to say and please do read and spread the word. xxx


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