Wednesday, 25 January 2017

WonderfulWednesday: @presenterwayne made me Happy

WonderfulWednesday - Happy

Sometimes I just want to share something that makes me smile on my wonderful Wednesday posts. This week certainly counts.  I've recently found Wayne Barrow's Facebook page. Wayne has become a bit of an internet sensation for his signing performances of popular songs. Recently this has included Whitney Houston's 'I wanna dance with somebody' and 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams (above).  It had me dancing in the kitchen.

According to his Facebook page and website, Wayne has perfect hearing but grew up with deaf parents.  A natural presenter, it's maybe no surprise he's having fun on the camera performing to songs.  Of course I love it because it's yet another example of making something accessible and inclusive.

If you read my blog you will know that both our boys are autistic.  Makaton sign language was a way they both started to communicate and it is still one of David's primary means of communication now he's nearly six years old.  I wrote a post last year 'why my chatterbox goes to sign language classes' about our daughter who (as far as we know) is neurotypical going to signing classes.  It's so she can communicate with her brother.

Over the last 18 months we have been, freezing during Frozen songs, decapitating gingerbread men and having massive hugs all with Makaton sign langauge.

It's not BSL but I'm hoping Wayne will agree that all forms of communication are awesome.  I'm rather hoping he'll be doing some more songs soon.  May I suggest some songs from the next Guardians of Galaxy film when it comes out?  The last one had an awesome mix tape.

If you haven't seen Wayne, visit his Facebook page here.


  1. Wow, this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! I would have never have found it without reading this post.

  2. This is really awesome! I am so glad I stumbled on this via the Purple Elephant FB page! My brother is Deaf and I can't wait to show him as he loves music and dance too! Hunter


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