Wednesday, 11 January 2017

WonderfulWednesday: My son communicates with @googlemaps via @gwynnemiriam

Boy uses his google maps to communicate

This week's wonderful Wednesday share comes to us via Autism Speaks and is an article from Miriam Gwynne who writes at Faith Mummy. She shares a wonderful moment when she realised her son was using google maps to communicate.

In the post, Miriam describes how her non verbal severely autistic son is making his everyday requests using google maps on his iPad.  It's amazing, it's wonderful, to be celebrated.  Isaac has figured how everything from being hungry to it being bath time can be communicated via google street maps.

Our middle son is still preverbal. He's just beginning to string some syllable shapes together - but it is a long process.  We think he probably has speech dyspraxia which also makes it physically difficult for him to make sounds.  But for a long time people used to ask - is he talking or saying anything yet. Our son is not going to be one of the autistic children who suddenly starts talking in sentences.  But that doesn't mean he hasn't been communicating.  In fact he communicates plenty and sometimes it's very special.

I'm so pleased for Faith Mummy, read her post on her blog to see how Isaac uses googlemaps or over on Autism Speaks who also published it.  It's worthy of my wonderful Wednesday share this week.

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