Friday, 16 December 2016

5 Minute Fun for kids review

It seems like I'm always on the go.  When you've three kids at different schools and the myriad of appointments that comes with additional needs, there seems little time for anything.  Sometimes I think, can I just have five to...put away clothes...go the the loo...sort out the other kids.... anything! So when I was contacted by 5 Minute Fun who asked me to try out an activity on their site, I thought it would be a good idea.  Plus, I like evaluating activities for their potential to help my kids.

I usually access the web via my phone.  The arget="_blank">5 Minute Fun site looked great but as with many sites wasn't as easy to navigate on my phone web browser as on the laptop.  I didn't think I'd be logging on all the time to get an idea for an activity for 5 minutes so instead I signed up to their email.

This worked for me. Every few days or so I get an email with a view 5 minute fun activity ideas that my kids can enjoy independently for a few minutes.

Last night I was having a difficult time getting everyone ready for bed.  The kids were getting excited and needed some time in their own rooms before going to sleep.  Jane is usually the bedroom hoping culprit, so I scanned through my emails and voila... I found a few suggested 5 Minute Fun activities. Jane was was tasked with putting on a short panto or concert for her toys.  This was great as it gave her a chance to practice her Christmas show to an audience  I thought this was a great way of giving some nervous or anxious kids some confidence - helpful for many of the autistic kids I know.

Jane lined everyone up nicely on the bed while I sorted out the boys in the next door bedroom.  When I returned, a few minutes later, she was nearing the end of  'Jingle Bells' and then curtsied. Very nice.  All toys also got a kiss, hand shake and a 'thank you for coming.  She also told them all to be careful going home because it's very 'froggy outside, so you can't see proply', which I thought was very sweet.

The website is full of lots of short activities including crafts which we'll try out in the New Year or perhaps over the holidays.  If you'd like to see what other ideas are on 5 Minute Fun, visit the site.

We were sent a copy of a 5 minute fun Cbeebies magazine to try out activities for this review. 
All my comments and opinions are independent and my own. 

Linked to 100th Anniversary of:

Little Hearts, Big Love


  1. I love Jane's advice to be careful because it is "very froggy" outside and her performance sounds adorable. I also love how she thanked all her toys for coming too. The 5 Minute Fun site sounds great - off to check it out now. Thank you for linking up to #ftmob and hope you have a lovely Christmas :-)

  2. Sounds like a fantastic app - I am forever trying to find 5 minutes to go to the loo - think I might have to give this a try #eatsleepblogrt


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