Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Christmas Card Deja Vu

surprised woman

Have you ordered Christmas cards yet?  If you are a parent with kids at nursery, pre-school or primary school you may have been sent the latest designs by your kids. Our lot make some terrible cards.  This is the first year I've declined - I simply couldn't bring myself to subject the world to my daughters hilarious Christmas card.

How could the pre-school have done this to her?  Jane simply loves drawing and she's quite good at it too.  She really looks at things and draws what she sees.  It's in big contrast to how her brothers draw.

Anthony has been drawing people the same way for the last four years - everyone looks like a potato with candyfloss arms and legs.  David is really only just starting to make shapes.  Both boys have autism and are late developers in terms of their motor skills and imagination - helpful skills when drawing and doing things like making Christmas cards.

So when their efforts arrived in their respective bags, I was, as always, proud and delighted.  No not Picasso, but thankfully Father Christmas is naturally potato shaped.  Packs of their cards were ordered. But when I saw Jane's I was stopped in my tracks - surely not.

christmas card with pudding

I couldn't stop laughing.  Like many kids her age, Jane eats some things she's not supposed to.  Early on in her life after the (slightly scary) dishwasher tablet incident, I realised that what goes in, mostly just comes out again.  Eat sand... gritty poop.  Eat 'safe' blue paint.... purple poop.  And apparently, eat glitter and you ... produce a Christmas card.

OK.  It's supposed to be a Christmas pudding, I get it.  But I couldn't see anything other than poop on paper.   Did they mix up the changing room discards with the art pile?  I've definitely seen this same design inside a nappy.  Crumbs, it wasn't that long ago I may even have found it on the bathroom walls.

My humorous side had ideas of sending the cards out.

Hey, you've not just been bad enough to get coal!
Merry Christmas - here's a copy of my daughter's pooh. 

Maybe not. Instead I just giggled to myself and stuck it to the fridge.  I'll be giggling at it all week I think and this little deja vu can at least provide me with some chuckles during the upcoming busiest days of the year too.  Plus, having it up still tells our daughter that her art is loved.. even if only by us.

Have you had any humorous art sent home? What cards are you sending out this year?

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  1. I hate those cards! I'm a teacher and dread having to do them with the kids, it's a fine line between letting them produce something independent and ending up with something that looks like it was drawn in the dark by a snowman with no arms! I do love crafting with my daughter, it's so much easier 1:1 and you can create something cute without it all going wrong when you turn round to help someone else! #bigpinklink

    1. It's just a bit funny. We nearly always buy them - but every now and again I have to laugh at the results. Jane doesn't know the difference and we tell her we love them obviously.

  2. My daughter didn't even make her card, so I'd have been happy with the poo! Love it - "Have a S**t Christmas!"

  3. Haha! Love the comment above too x

  4. Ha ha lovely! So funny, I've literally just been looking at the proof for my son's xmas cards, and debating whether or not he'll be upset if I don't buy any...! #chucklemums

  5. Haha! The glitter sets it off like a peach. A turdy peach. The first two christmas seasons as a mummy, I did lovely footprint cards to look like a reindeer and a snowman respectively. Last year we pissed off to America and I did no cards. This year I cannot. Be. Arsed. Thanks for linking to #Chucklemums :-)

  6. Haha I love it. I'm a teacher and often find myself thinking what are your parent's going to think! Not only about what the child has produced but what we were thinking as the teachers behind it. It's funny though. No matter what my kids seem to make I always seem to look at it with rose tinted glasses.

    Amina xx | www.AliandHer.com

  7. Ah bless her!! Lovely little post! I'm yet to experience this yet. It's our little ones first Christmas in nursery so we will wait with baited breath! #Ablogginggoodtime

  8. OMG Ann that is hilarious. The teacher must have a sense of humour to send it home! Bless her... Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

  9. Oh, that is brilliant! Yep, I just saw poo, too! My daughter's card is lovely, in fact the copies have all come home today with her, but to be honest I didn't get my son to complete his as I knew he would only draw the Hulk - not all that festive, but it's all he draws! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  10. Haha I love it! its a fantastic card and it makes you smile!

  11. Brilliant artistic qualities!! All should be nurtured!! We've Father Christmas visiting the men's toilets on ours a few years back!! #ablogginggoodtime

  12. Haha! This is just brilliant! Thank you for sharing with #bigpinklink x

  13. That is so funny!But I think it's just your imagination - I definitely see pudding not poo! #WotW

  14. Haha, we did - when Rian was in reception he made a "family tree" with pictures on it - one of them looked EXACTLY like a willy. I hope I wasn't the willy...I'm sorry it's taken me so long to comment on this for #chucklemums!


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