Wednesday, 21 September 2016

WonderfulWednesday: On our way to independent writing

This week's wonderful Wednesday share is from Life with ASD and the Rest and is about getting over hurdles with writing.

Many kids with autism and lots of other conditions struggle more with writing. Sensory difficulties, confidence issues and simply not being interested can be common.  It has taken time for either of our boys with autism and ADHD to make progress in writing.
In the post with Life ASD and the Rest, her son is finally making progress. This in itself is great but not just why it's my wonderful Wednesday share this week. The post is really useful is helping identify why kids can have difficulty and offers a range of ideas to help and to develop motor skills and confidence in kids who may be making their first stows in learning to write too. You can see the great ideas on the post here.


Linked on:
You Baby Me Mummy

1 comment:

  1. Great post to help highlight an important hurdle that needs to be overcome but in their own time!
    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime


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