Wednesday, 17 August 2016

WonderfulWednesday: His own milestones

This week's wonderful Wednesday share is from Someone's Mum and is called His Own Milestones and is about her son finally managing to pull off his sock. Something that seems so simple for many but for someone with autism can take hours of learning and practice.

A milestone is an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development' but all too often these are different or come at a different time for my boys.  But like Someone's Mum I focus on the wonderful efforts and joy of their achievements.  I'm so pleased this was shared as part of our #madeupmilestones that helps share these moments with the pride they deserve.

I don't have too look far. Here are Anthony's and David's #madeupmilestones from my blog, precious moments that may be nowhere near anyone else's chart, some may seem strange but they are all proud moments to us and those who care for them.  The first time David asked for a hug or  played with another child in the playground. Or the first  time Anthony was in a real race (swimming gala and came last) or  coped with a series of unexpected changes.  If you don't know David has a diagnosis of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and Hypermobility. Anthony also has the same diagnoses along with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Sensory Processing Disorder, Dyspraxia and Anxiety.

Please show your pride and share the #madeupmilestones for your kids or those you care for.  All the details are behind the button on the sidebar. Whether it's a blog post, a sentence or a photo, just contact me using #madeupmilestones so I can share and enjoy them with you. The more the merrier. And whether you have something to share or not, make sure you take a look at Someone's Mum's  #madeupmilestone too, it's a great story. 

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