Wednesday, 24 August 2016

WonderfulWednesday: Dance like nobody's watching

This week's wonderful Wednesday share is from Joseph and his Amazing Spectrum Coat and is about an autistic boy called Joseph who likes to dance.  I found it on our #SpectrumSunday linky.

His mother sees his love of dance and tries to help Joseph as he joins a local dance club. She nervously watched as his participation was difficult and then left when she was asked to.  But like in many cases, mum knew best, and Joseph didn't get on in the club.  After a while the post says Joseph's parents were invited to see the groups director to 'discuss Joseph's future there.'

Ok, this isn't sounding wonderful is it?  No, this bit ended poorly. What's wonderful happened next.

Joseph's mum tried again, a few times and then at a dance centre. And guess what, this time it worked.  Instead of 'discussing Joseph's future' the principle of the centre actually came with suggestions for how things could be made easier for Joseph to enable his participation in class and performance.


Our son Anthony loved the water but it took years before we found someone who could team him to swim and now he takes part in special swimming galas.  He's a boy that has difficulty feeling his body but we help him and now he goes karting!

Joseph goes dancing, see the post here.


  1. I like reading such positive stories and I really glad to have found your blog!

  2. What a lovely ending. It's lovely when people make an effort to work collaboratively so that everyone is included. #DreamTeam

  3. Aw what a happy ending - such a lovely story! Thank you for sharing with #dreamteam xx

  4. Thank you to everyone who read this. There was more to this particular story too in 'Can't Stop The Feeling' :-)

  5. Such a warm and touching story. Really wonderful Wednesday. I admire your kindness and your will to help children to make them happy. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. I really appreciate the kind of topics you post here. Thanks for sharing us a great information that is actually helpful. Good day Nonton Drama Korea

  7. The fact that you put a lot of effort into giving your child new opportunities helped him to take part in such events.


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