Wednesday, 31 August 2016

WonderfulWednesday: The 10 important things you learn when you're an autism parent

This week's wonderful Wednesday share comes from my #SpectrumSunday linky co-host, Danielle at Someone's Mum.  Danielle has written a piece for Good to Know Essentials called 'The 10 important things you learn when you're an autism parent'.

It's wonderful for obvious reasons; it's honest, truthful, educational and raises awareness.  Ticks all the boxes. It's full of things we know like;
  • Why we never go anywhere without an iPad and an ability to charge it
  • Some days are tough
  • Some days are full of so much joy you think your heart will burst
What's most wonderful is that it's opening up autism to a new platform and I love that too. Please go and visit the piece, we might see more of them if you do.


  1. I read this post it is excellent as all Danielle's posts are. Very insightful! Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

  2. Great post. I read hers and it's so moving. We have no idea what it's like when we don't have autistic child! #EatSleepBlogRT

  3. Really insightful post - helping to raise awareness for all #EatSleepBlogRT

  4. A really interesting read. I really hope this gets read by lots of people to raise awareness of to make people realise how difficult it can be to raise a child with autisim. I can spot a potential trigger a mile away now and i can see my daughter's body posture change instantly and probably react just a quick too. #EatSleepBlogRt

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  7. Your blog is a great opportunity to get a lot of useful information from parents who are faced with this problem and do not know what to do next.


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