Thursday, 9 June 2016

My #CarersWeek, life with my autistic kids

It's nearing the end of Carers Week 2016. My week has been like many others, full of highs and lows, based mostly on the highs and lows of my kids.  I have three kids and although I'm 'mum' to all three, I'm also a parent carer to my sons Anthony, age 8, and David, age 5. 

I'm their carer because I am someone who "cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support."  You may claim that an eight and five year old can't cope without support anyway, but the help and assistance I give my boys goes well beyond that required of a typical child their age.

For Carers Week, I'm sharing a week's worth of my 'caring' (Mon-Fri).  Two posts each focus on my boys (a high and a low) and the last is really about me.

  • On Monday (4th January 2016) I had to take David into hospital for an operation. This is traumatic for any parent.  When your child has no idea what's going on it's heart wrenching. Read about my Monday as a carer on 'I don't know how you do it.'

  • On Tuesday (3rd November 2015)  I had a break through with David.  I was able to connect with him using Disney's Frozen and using Makaton sign language.  Find out why Tuesday was a happy day in 'Freezing during Frozen - Makaton in action.

  • On Wednesday (21st October 2015) Anthony found it difficult to cope when a tiny thing was different in his day. See how we tried to help and prepare Anthony for things on a Wednesday in a 'Final straw on a pile of worries.'

  • On Thursday (11th February 2016), Anthony made me extremely proud.  He overcame many of the difficulties he faces everyday and participates in a swimming gala.  Find out why I was 'Never prouder of last place' on a Thursday.

  • On Friday (16th October 2015), I went to a playgroup with our daughter Jane. I found it difficult to connect with the other mums there.  I felt like a bit of an outsider despite not actually having either of my autistic boys with me. See what I mean by 'Talking with other mums - dinosaur and kitten chat.'

This year Carers Week is focusing on building communities which support carers to look after their loved ones well, while recognising that they are individuals with needs of their own.  That would include things in my week like hospitals that understand the role we play, organisations that help us learn Makaton or organise swimming galas and even those that are just there to support carers themselves.

But it can go much further, are you a carer friendly educational setting or employer?  I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into my Carers Week.  How was your week?

As listed on:
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday A Mum Track Mind You Baby Me Mummy


  1. What a truly wonderful collection of posts. I hope lots of people are telling you how amazing you are my lovely. I am humbled by your spirit, kindness and positivity. It's a privilege to have you at #KCACOLS and we hope you come back next week with more amazing stuff. Thank you!

  2. I love that I was able to have such a personal insight into your life :) you sounds like an amazing mummy...I am totally going to check out your talking to other mums post. I was a young carer as a child and think carers week raises some important awareness of some stunningly dedicated and compassionate people xx #fortheloveofblog

  3. Well done on your posts for Carers week. I've sort of let this one slip myself despite being a carer who is cared for. I have two autistic children, yet when I became disabled earlier this year now my partner has become my carer.

  4. I like to think gradually we as a society are becoming more aware and supportive of carers. Great post.


  5. What a great round up of posts, I know they will help others in the same position. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  6. This is a great help to people in a similar situation. Thank you for sharing all this information #KCACOLS

    Nadia - ScandiMummy x

  7. Well done on carers week! And great round up of posts, too. You are an amazing person and mum to your little one. #KCACOL

  8. This is such a great post and no doubt one that will come in handy for others in the same situation. You truly are a strong and amazing mum!xx #KCACOLS

  9. This is such a great post and no doubt one that will come in handy for others in the same situation. You truly are a strong and amazing mum!xx #KCACOLS

  10. I am awe of how much mums and carers in your position go through every and Carer's week definitely deserves support for everything it does for carers like yourself #kcacols

  11. Wow sounds like you have so much on your plate but are doing a wonderful job! Your children are so lucky to have such a loving and amazing mom :) #kcacols

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project

  12. I have nothing but complete admiration for you! I can't imagine how hard it must be. These posts give a true insight in to what you have to deal with on a day to day basis, and I know it's been said but how lucky your children are to have such a wonderful mummy. #KCACOLS

  13. That's a great roundup of a weeks posts there- I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you but what a wonderful way to raise awareness and share with others xx #KCACOLS

  14. I love hearing that you are so involved in your community and that you are helping these other children. It is so encouraging. You are certainly a role model. Thanks for sharing about Cares Week. #KCACOLS

    1. Thanks Sarah, although as a parent carer, they are my kids.. I don't think I've got time at the moment to help with anyone else's. But you are right, Carers Week this year is about trying to help Carers be part of their community, I guess that's what my last 'Friday' link was all about. Thanks so much for commenting.

  15. goodness, what a strong mum :) and what an inspirational post too. Our family have experienced caring from the other end - so for our elderly relatives. it is completely full on though and involves more than I think people who haven't been involved can imagine #KCACOLS

  16. This was really fascinating - thank you for sharing. I think it is important that awareness and support for carers is raised - it must often be a draining and isolating experience and, of course, due to looking after those with greater needs constantly,it is easy for the needs of the carers to be overlooked. Makaton can have a really amazing impact on aiding communication, can't it? #KCACOLS

  17. I found it really hard applying for carer's allowance. Seperating the general parenting with the extra care was a challenge, as I do it all day everyday because he is my son, and that is just what we have to do. Thank you for linking up to #spectrumsunday I hope you join me again this week xx


I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.

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