Wednesday, 20 April 2016

#WonderfulWednesday: My son has the type of autism that is not a hidden disability

This week's wonderful Wednesday share is from Faith Mummy and is called, "My son has the type of autism that is not a hidden disability."

Faith Mummy honestly describes an incident when her son bolts from a supermarket and is 'caught' by a passer by:

“He has autism and he is heading right for the car park lift. Thanks for your support.”
“I knew right away he had autism. You can tell.”

So apart from the writing and honesty, why do I think this is a wonderful post?

Firstly, it's great that 'autism' is being recognised by just a someone... and that someone lent a hand. They didn't stand back, they didn't cower in case their kids caught 'something', they recognised someone who would use assistance and gave it. Plus, I like raising autism awareness so I'm absolutely fine when someone asks if my kids have autism.  It's part of them, why wouldn't I be?

Secondly, Faith Mummy highlights the ever continuing battle of recognising that every person with autism being different. Just like everyone else. They aren't all Rainman... or Joe from The A Word. They aren't even all somewhere in between the two.  It's a huge scale and each person with autism has their own (sometimes similar) difficulties and treasures.

Our son Anthony, could easily fall into the 'hidden' category.  Our son David, would not. And that's OK, they still both get the support they need from us and are lovely unconditionally.  Every case that highlights how autism is different also creates awareness and that's wonderful.  If you haven't read Faith Mummy's post yet.. here it is.

Every #WonderfulWednesday I share a post that I think is wonderful from my last week online. See them all here.

Our blog - Steve Silberman comments on our 'autisms'
Our blog - #WonderfulWednesday: The A Word
Our blog - Anthony's always to blame
Our blog - David's glorious gloves
Our blog - #WonderfulWednesdays

External links
Faith Mummy - My son has the kind of autism that is not a hidden disability

Wonderful Wednesday about autism

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