Friday, 11 March 2016

Favourite Friday: To the boy who showed interest in my son's special interest

Last week's most popular post was also published in The Mighty. 

You wrote him a short note saying you thought karting sounded interesting and could he tell you about it. All we can say is thank you.  Thank you for giving Anthony the opportunity to write. Thank you for providing him with motivation.  Thank you for allowing him to show what he knows.  Thank you for giving him confidence in himself.  Thank you for showing him someone cares about what he thinks.

As a boy with autism, Anthony's interests tend to be very focused and he has difficulty engaging in conversations or meaningful tasks not associated with what he's interested in. Some people with autism can turn their special interest into an advantage, such as a career, valuable hobby or a way of relaxing.  Anthony reveals in talking about and doing anything to do with his current special interest, motor racing.  But what happened when one boy took an interest in Anthony's topic, was, to us, amazing.

Read more here

On 'Favourite Fridays', Rainbowsaretoobeautiful will publish the most popular post from the previous week. If you missed it, then here's your chance to catch up. See all our Favourite Friday's posts here .

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