Monday, 18 January 2016

It's moony tonight

Our Anthony often says or sees things others either don't notice, or don't think about like he does.  He makes great observations on the way home.  His latest one made me smile. He looked up at the evening sky and declared "The moon is very bright, yes, it's very moony."
Read more here


  1. I think his use of the word 'moony' is lovely! perfectly sums up a moonlit night. And it's interesting to read those other words whose meaning are counter to expectations - I'd heard them but wasn't aware of their meanings. Thanks!

    1. They are cheeky deceptive words aren't they!

  2. I love Anthony's use of "moony" to describe the fact that the moon was very bright - even if it isn't quite the correct meaning of the word. I've learned a new word too thanks to your post - "catachresis" is not a word I'd heard before so thank you for teaching me that and for sharing the real meanings of some other words that are commonly used incorrectly. Thank you for linking up to #ftmob :-)

    1. Yeah, I had to look 'cat...whatever it is' up too!

  3. Moony seems a great word and one we should all use rather than the more ahem traditional meaning! #wotw

  4. Oh, I think Anthony used moony perfectly, it does sum up those nights so well, doesn't it? Our language is so fascinating, I do enjoy posts like this exploring it. Thanks for joining in with #WotW, lovely to have you.

  5. Moony is a great word and it should mean a new, bright moon. Maybe if enough people use it in this context it can take on a new meaning!

  6. I love his use of the word moony and love even more that you found a description of it that fits so perfectly. I can't wait for the lighter evenings. A sign that summer is on the way. Thank you for sharing this on #whatevertheweather x

    1. Drier days please, we really need the trampoline back. With ASD and ADHD, the boys literally climb the walls. Bring on the garden please for more fun like this: 😂😂

  7. I love his description of moony. The word itself sound so beautiful. The transcending of its meaning means so much more. #whatevertheweather x

    1. Transcending... You've taken me to another level 😀

  8. Love this! As an English teacher I find words really interesting anyway but asd has given me another perspective on that too :) #SpectrumSunday

    1. That must have been a helpful background for a mum! I started lecturing after having kids. Turns out I was far better and enjoyed teaching my old profession more than doing my old profession! Hope it made you smile.

  9. 'Moony' I LOVE this!
    I need to use this word. :)I love the words my son comes out with too. :) #SpectrumSunday

  10. Perfect world and there is so many words that different meanings cause at the end of the day someone somewhere chose to link a word to the meaning. It was man created so fair play I say it is nice to have your own words that are personal to you. X #spectrumSunday

  11. I think moony is the perfect word to describe a beautiful moonlit night. When I was little I liked to call the leaves falling in autumn 'leafing', taken from the same idea as rain falling being raining and snow falling being snowing. It's interesting to see the language through children's eyes. Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather :) x

  12. I love this! Very sweet, but a very clever post too! I have now found a new word i love! Moony :) Thanks for linking up to #spectrumsunday lovely xx


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