Linky & Series

SEND & #SpectrumSunday Linky

Every other Sunday,  and I run the #SpectrumSunday linky, the place to share your SEND (special educational needs and disabilities), autism and mental health blog and mirco blog posts. I also have Victoria from Starlight & Stories and Danielle from Someone's Mum help me co-host with retweeting duties and support too!

The linky runs fortnightly or monthly when we are busy. We really want to make sure that everyone with a post gets to link up and so we will keep the linky open for the whole period.

The linky is to all special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and mental health posts. The linky started as a way to reach out to other autism parents and avoid isolation – and this sentiment that could apply to many.  We'd love you to read the posts shared or take part.  For more info visit the #SpectrumSunday page.

MummaGames - Champion Apex Legends
Mumma Games

Mumma Games includes posts to help kids like mine get the best out of gaming and technology.  I enjoy gaming but if there is someone who likes me playing the PS4 more than me, it's my eldest son, Anthony, who happens to be autistic. He has loved watching the Fortnite map change, the superheros, the skins, the emotes.... ahh the emotes.  Some games he can play and some he finds challenging and that's where I come in. In these posts I include anything about technology that will help my autistic and ADHD kids, whether that's how David plays on his iPad, begging for new games modes or the basics of completing challenges in Battle Royale for Anthony so he feels prepared and can take part. 

#CherishedCharity Post Series

This week I'm delighted to start my new blogging series called Cherished Charities. I was at a local Mayor's event when someone from another charity said, "No one has really heard of us unless they need us, it's so hard to raise funds."  I understood. After all I was there with a charity that I loved because they were there when we needed them.

So I thought I'd create a small opportunity for people to share the charities important to them hereContact me if you'd like to share one that's important to you.

#MadeUpMilestones Guest Post Series

This is a guest post series celebrating the achievements of our kids that are special to us and them. I learned a while ago to put aside all the hoo-ha around the milestones chart in our little red book and found we were all happier when we focused on what was important to us and our kids.  Guests posts answer three simple questions, who had the made up milestone, where/when did it happen and, best of all what happened?

To take part or read these special moments, visit the #MadeUpMilestones page

#WonderfulWednesday Series

Sometimes on a Wednesday, I take a break and share with my readers something wonderful I've found on line. It could be a post, a story, a meme, or a product or device that I think is wonderful. It could be that it raises awareness and understanding, helps parents or really works for our kids.

To see what I loved online, visit my #WonderfulWednesday page

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