Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Tips for restarting a self-care routine

Woman making a heart sign against the sun

As a parent and someone who likely has a very busy schedule, I nearly always put my wellness on the backburner lately. If this is your situation then it may be time to re-evaluate and try a new approach.
It’s never too late to make a change and begin again.  Here you can review some tips for restarting your some of your self-care routine that might help you feel that you heading in the right direction.

Try and get on a regular sleep schedule

One tip for restarting your self-care routine is to get on a regular sleep schedule. Lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish and moody and you may feel less motivated daily. Configure your bedroom for optimal sleep and come up with a relaxing and calming bedtime routine that helps you prepare for a good night’s sleep. Try your best to go to bed and wake up around the same time each night and every morning, even on the weekends. I know it's not easy as many autistic people have difficulties sleeping and if your kids are up you often are too.  But your body may just feel a bit better if you keep this is mind when you can.

Get moving

Part of our self-care routine should also incorporate more movement and exercise. It all begins with thinking about moving a bit more. My watch reminds me 'it's time to move' and I try not to sit for too long if i can help it.  Relaxing is important but some people find that when they do a bit more exercise they feel better.  I know some parents who have found more than a sense of wellbeing from this and have then even taken a personal trainer course and run a group which I think can be helpful.

Try to unplug more

Spending a lot of time on technology and scrolling through social media may be causing you to sit around more and even feel low or gloomy. As an alternative, restart your self-care routine by trying a digital detox and unplugging more throughout the day and week. You’ll discover you have more time to participate in hobbies or get together with people you like being with. Unplugging from technology will also force you to focus on yourself and your life more instead of comparing yourself to others.

Spend time in nature

Try and get outside regularly if you want to restart your self-care routine and feel full of energy. Enjoy the sunshine on your face and all the beautiful sights and smells as you go for a walk or hike outdoors. Nature has a natural way of healing and it’s a great opportunity to disconnect and reduce your stress as well as boost your mental health. You may also want to consider bringing nature indoors and decorating with it in and around your home to bring a sense of peace and calm to your days and life.

These tips are practical and useful ways to restart your self-care routine so you can have more natural energy and put a smile back on your face.  But life is tough and our kids demanding so don't stress that you can't do what you can't do.  Do what works for you and feel better for that.  

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