Monday, 22 February 2021

Keeping our kids entertained for a few more weeks

The last year has seen us having to spend more time than ever in our homes. While it has been nice being able to spend more time than ever with our families, we have also had to find innovative new ways to keep entertained, particularly where the kids are involved! 

The schools in our area are still closed to most kids and all the quieter things that we usually do in places that aren't so busy are absolutely rammed.  A busy day in our local park used to still leave plenty of space now it's full of people who don't know which way they are going or which paths not to push a buggy down because all the places they usually go are shut.  

No matter the reason, it is a good idea to look into ways to keep our kids entertained at home, particularly Jane who is full on and not been to school for what seems like a year. Here are a few different ideas that you can try…

Try some virtual classes

There is a myriad of online classes that you can do with your kids, or get them enrolled in that will not only keep them amused but also teach them something too! From virtual schools for music students to online cookery classes, there are so many options for keeping the little ones entertained and socialising with people their own age.  Just make sure you are in the room so you know what's happening and going on. 

Make a treasure hunt through the house

Another fun idea that you can do to keep the kids entertained from home is to make a treasure hunt or Jane's current favourite - an escape room! This is a great plan to get the whole family involved in too! You could hide a prize in a location in the house and draw a map to find it. Put in little clues and treats in other areas that they can find too!

Do some art and crafts together

Why not do some art and crafts together? There are many things you can do with this, from making collages out of items that you find around the house or out on a walk, to doing a painting. It could be that you do some baking together? This is a great way to prepare your child with skills they will use in life, as well as have some fun and do something together. Why not make pictures that you can drop off to friends or family members that you haven’t seen in a while? This is great for keeping you all entertained and doing something nice at the same time!

Have a cinema-themed movie day

Another idea is to have a cinema-themed movie day. You could decorate your front room to feel like a movie theatre - why not get a projector that you can watch the films on or vote on what the movie will be? You could make up movie-themed snacks such as nachos or popcorn and create tickets that you all have to present upon entry.  Jane loves making a ticket booth and a snack stall!

This is a great fun idea that the whole family is sure to enjoy and is a nice way to all spend some time together. These are just a few ways to keep the kids entertained at home. While the weather isn’t so nice and it is harder to get outside, it is important to keep yourselves having fun and doing things that are different. 

What are your ideas for keeping yourselves entertained at home? With at least another week to go, let me know I would love to hear from you!


  1. Lovely ideas! We have done plenty of arts and crafts, however I haven't tried a treasure hunt with my daughter. I'm sure she would absolutely love that :) #KCACOLS

  2. Some great ideas! We are hoping that the weather gets a little warmer so that we can start getting some seeds planted!

  3. Love the idea of the cinema day, can't remember the last time we went to see a film so this sounds really fun! Thanks for linking up to #KCACOLS

  4. Lovely ideas! I'm really going to miss the kids when they go back to school! #KCACOLS

  5. I love these ideas! We often do treasure hunts as part of birthday parties at home,but I never think to do them just for the fun of it at other times of the year! x #KCACOLS

  6. I have been thinking about trying to find an online ballet class for my 4yr old as she misses it so much. We have had the same experiences in our local park, selfishly the families on our estate enjoyed having it practically to ourselves, but since the summer it has been completely over crowded with people who don't know how to distance and it has been left in a mess every week x x Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS


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