Sunday, 2 February 2020

SEND and SpectrumSunday #91

We've gone back to school and are busy coping with the ever changing weather. Whatever you have been up to in the world of SEND and / or autism I'd love to hear about it here on our linky for anything about autism, mental health, education, special educational needs and disabilities and associated topics.  

Last month The Autism Page linked up about their new community and this was great to read - check it out here

My first linked post this month is about the about the time when you think your child is autistic, the delay there can be in getting a diagnosis and what can be done in the meantime.   My second is about a great time out we had a Kew Gardens.

I will again comment on, pin and share your linked up posts.  We just ask you share a bit of love with other posts in return through commenting or sharing.  If you have any questions about a linky you can contact me.   If you are new and unsure about linkies - just read my guide here.

Danielle from Someone's Mum helps me out  in this linky by sharing posts to her big social following that's currently running once a month. This means linked up posts are shared with our 30,000 twitter followers if you remember to tweet them to us - see below for details. We love everyone in our community and appreciate your efforts to join in!

Please join in below and add a link to one of your posts you'd like us to read and share.  I hope it's a good month and will see you again next year.

How the #spectrumsunday linky works
  • Our linky runs from the first Sunday of each month - you can check the count down at the bottom of the linky for when it's closing
  • You can add up to two posts or micro-blog posts each - old or new content is all fine by us.  If adding a micro-blog from facebook, make sure you add the link of the post by clicking on the time stamp to copy the link.
  • It would be great if you could choose one of the host posts to comment on :-)
  • Then comment on the post before yours - more if you want too but no pressure. If you have any difficulty commenting, please let me or the linker know in case they have a problem with their blog they don't know about.  
  • Feel free to share any posts you'd like to with your followers.  We all love a share!
  • This subject can be incredibly emotive so kind and supportive messages only please.
  • If you tweet your linked posts with #spectrumsunday - we will retweet for you! Just tag us in the tweets @rainbowsaretoo and (Danielle) @mumsomeone 
  • If you add a Facebook microblog add the #spectrumsunday to your post and tag me - Rainbows are too beautiful Facebook so I can share it easily for you
  • For blog posts it's great if you can add our linky badge to the bottom of your post or add a hyperlink back to this page.  It's just so people can find their way back here to read other posts (just copy and paste the code below into your HTML if you are adding the badge - see this guide if you are unsure - or link direct to this page using the URL in the address bar) 

Spectrum Sunday

Please note that I use the free version of inlinkz - they've just changed their platform so sometimes they place adverts in the linky. If you see a non-SEND or non-Autism post please ignore it while I try to find a better linky tool! Thank you for your patience!
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

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I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.

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