
Monday, 1 January 2018

5 reasons to start a passion project

There’s never a better time to think about yourself than right after your children head back to school after winter break.  As a parent, it's easy to put yourself last.   But the New Year is a great time to focus if you’ve been putting off doing something you want to do - why not start a passion project.

Passion projects have innumerable benefits for the person who is undertaking them. Being a busy mother often makes you feel as though you’re unable to follow any of your dreams – but this isn’t the case. From hand-pouring Royal Essence ring candles to gardening, painting or writing—whatever your creative side project is, get started on that passion project now!

1. It’s relaxing

There’s nothing more relaxing than working on a project that you enjoy. If you’re able to focus on your passion project without any distractions, you’ll find that the entire process is extremely therapeutic. This is the perfect way to kick back and relax for a few minutes to an hour depending on what you can fit it.  Spending time doing things they like or are relaxing was the top answer when I asked special educational needs parents how they cope with stress.

2. It’s good for your mental health

Constantly focusing on others is rewarding, but it can also take a toll on your mental health. It’s important to focus on side-projects that provide you with real value and purpose outside of your normal duties. A passion project is sure to help you take care of your mental health in a natural and positive way.

3. It can increase your productivity

Having variety and purpose in your life can help you increase your productivity in other areas. It’s always a good idea to refresh yourself by adding some diversity to your activities. You’ll could find that focusing on a passion project helps you ramp up your productivity in other areas of your life.

4. It’s a confidence booster

Many people lose their confidence when they stop focusing on things that they enjoy. For example, if you enjoy writing but you haven’t done any for ages, this can result in you no longer having confidence in your abilities. By reigniting a passion project, you will be able to boost your confidence across certain skillsets and that can follow through to the rest of your activities.

5. You may discover new talents

There’s no better way to find out things about yourself than to take on a new project. Passion projects have a habit of helping people find talents that they were previously unaware of. If you take on a project that is new and challenging, there’s a chance you’ll end up with a new skill.  I've learned so much from blogging and made new friends via it too.

By having side passion projects, you may find that you feel more well-rounded.  You should never underestimate the power that focusing on yourself can have. I think my kids benefit from me enjoying  another part of my life.  Even if that's just sitting here and blogging to you guys.

What projects might you like to do this year?


  1. I completely agree - I have just set myself a new project writing about folk style clothing. It's really got my creative juices flowing. Happy New Year. Sarah #ablogginggoodtime

  2. Thank you for reminding me that we do need me time too. I've been feeling mum guilt as I try to find the right balance between my passion and investing all my energy on the girls. #ablogginggoodtime

  3. Great advice! Whenever I think I don't have time to indulge in my passions, I remind myself what message I'm sending my son if he grows up thinking passions aren't important. One of my 2018 goals is to grow my new blog and I'm on it already! #mmlinky

  4. Wow, these are some great ideas! Can't wait to see the results ;-)

  5. Your second point resonates with me so much. I know I have it easy compared to so many parents but I still struggle with seeming to be always wanted for various tasks so I struggle to find time for me apart from via blogging which increasingly becomes work. For years I have wanted to paint, knit, crochet and nothing happens apart from me buying things and then just putting them away. This needs to change and I am using this post a motivation

  6. Forgot to say popped over via the Monday Motivation Linky

  7. Such a good idea. It's always nice to have a project. My thing now is bullet journalling!
    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime

  8. Love this! I really need to find a passion project for myself if I can make the time. I like the idea of BuJo, but I'm worried it will fall by the wayside. Thanks for sharing with #TheMMLinky x

  9. I think my passion project for this year is spreading the word about PDA :) Great ideas here! #TheMMLinky

  10. I have my Passion Project - my crochet - but would love a couple more once my op is out of the way! Thinking yoga/Pilates and learning an instrument. So important for our self-worth. #TheMMLinky


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