Monday, 29 May 2017

Motor skills and imagination development using stamp sets from Magic Fairy Wings

Jane making pictures with stamps

It's not uncommon for some kids to have delayed fine and gross motor skills.  When you find things like doing up buttons, picking up objects and holding a pencil difficult this can have an impact on lots of other development areas.  Both our autistic kids find it difficult to hold a pencil making things like writing and drawing hard.  

When they are concentrating on the effort it takes to hold a pencil they aren't using their imaginations to make a picture.  Anthony will make the same picture over and over again. This is where stamps can be really helpful.

Stamping can help develop motor skills and imaginations whilst making a picture easier.  Stamps come in many shapes and sizes which encourage gentle practice of holding different shapes. Some stamps with long handles can also encourage a pencil grip without the pressure of writing and the process of inking and stamping can help to understand about pressure. Stamping also gives shapes to colour around and add to with some pencil marks without having to draw a while picture - we have given the horses tails added trunks to some trees in our picture.

Stamps can also give a start to the imagination. We have often found books and films can be a good start for our kids imaginations. It can sometimes be difficult to come up with a whole idea for a story, drawing or picture, but if you have some ideas or shapes to start with then you can expand on this. We started with some horses in a field and then had the running through trees using some of the stamps to make leaves and fields of flowers and even hoof prints under the horses feet.

To make our park picture we used:
We used stamps to makes tree leaves and fields. Stamps to make hoof marks and then created some flying horses that were in the sky with butterflies. 

Do you enjoy stamping?  And helpful ideas to improve motor skills and imagination?

We were sent a Melissa & Doug Horses Stamp Set from Magic Fairy Wings for purpose of review. 
All editorial and opinions are my own and I only feature items I really like.  
My general disclaimer is always available at the bottom of my web version site.


  1. I love stamping and we use stamps at school we also have a set of alphabet stamps for beginning with making words. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

  2. My eldest does love stamps...often my arm and her hands but also for artwork too. These sound great and really beneficial. I like Melissa and Doug stuff too. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

  3. Stamping is a great technique. I've done stamping throughout my life and found it lots of fun. My eldest has now got access to my stamps and she tried some Easter ones out that were inexpensive but worked really well. #mmbc

  4. These sets look fantastic! We love stamping!


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