Monday, 13 March 2017

Three tips to maximising mummy's quality of sleep

Ready for bed

Busy Mum? I don't know one that isn't.  Maybe you are a new mum with a baby that seems to need feeding all night or are a working mum who is doing an amazing job juggling everything.  Maybe you just have no choice but to burn the candle at both ends, as my mum used to say.  Grown ups need their sleep just as much as the kids but are often under more time pressure - so how best to get the best sleep when we get the chance?

Perhaps you are even like me and running around to various medical appointments and are kept up at night because 'children with autism sometimes just don't need as much sleep'.   Having a child with autism who doesn't sleep well has meant I've spent a lot of time learning about sleep and talking to sleep specialists.

We've even been to an over night sleep clinic and study at Evelina's children's hospital.  After talking to me at length about David's sleep the consultant nearly reduced me to tears by asking how much sleep I was getting.  "If you aren't getting enough sleep either, then, it's harder for you to function and be the parent you want to be for David."

Adults should be getting between seven and nine hours sleep to function at their best.  Most people in the UK get at least an hours less sleep than they should.  We are busy people and sometimes eight hours just isn't possible, sometimes it's not even nearly possible. When it is - I want to make sure it's the best sleep I can get.  So how to make those hours really count?  Here's my top three tips!

1. Be ready for your bed

"Shall we get ready for bed?"

Honestly it can be an hour after I've said this before the lights go out. Ok, we all need to brush our teeth and get undressed but before I've spent 10 minutes looking for the iPads and 20 minutes by the dryer making sure the children's clothes are dry enough.  Whenever you can, try to get tasks out of the way before you are getting ready for bed. 

2.  Minimise worry 

Ok, so now I've found the iPads I think I can go to bed. Did I lock the car, where did I put my keys? How is my son going to cope with his therapy tomorrow? Did I tell my husband about parents evening - has he fallen asleep or should I wake him?  I must print out that agenda!

Everyone has their 'list'. But if like me you know you have to get up again shortly, this needs to be short. Where I can I create routines that deal with my questions so I don't need to worry about them. I try and look at what's coming up in the week ahead earlier in the day so I deal with worries before bedtime.

If I have something going around in my head that I'm worried about forgetting then I have a pad and pen by my bed so I can write it down and forget about it again until morning.

3.  Create a calm and ready sleeping environment

Even if you aren't worried about something, help yourself by telling your body it's time to sleep too. I bang on about this a lot with my kids but it's just the same for us grown ups. Do what works for you. Perhaps a relaxing bath, or read a few pages of a book if you have the time. Lavender scents in the bathroom or bedroom can help some people relax.  A warm drink (decaf) before bed.  It can help to keep your room dark at night - use low lighting and try not to have blue light before bed (you can set many tablets and phones to 'night mode' to take out the blue light on a timer).  Calming neutral colours can also help your mind to relax.

We can't all go out and buy a new mattress and bedding all the time but you can think about how you wash your sheets and arrange the bed.  Some people prefer soothing sheets by using a scented fabric softener and others need to use natural washing liquids like Surcare if they have sensitive skin. Think about how you arrange your bed and pillows and keep your spine in line at night.  If I'm staying away from home I know I usually need to put a pillow between my knees as the beds are usually harder than I'm used to.

What things do you do to help you get a good night's sleep?

Conditions: We have one #wakeupready sleep goodie pack to give away (pictured above with no cash alternative).  UK  Residents only. Entrants must be aged over 18.  Entry is via Rafflecopter.  Entries can be made up until midnight on the 8th April 2017. One winner will be chosen from all the entries at random the day after closing.  The winner will be contacted within one week of the closing date and have one month to respond.  Prize will be sent directly from Kalms Night


  1. Being an insomniac I completely sympathise with those sleep deprived days it can really affect your mood. All great tips and advice i especially agree with the minimise worry section, great stuff. #MarvMondays pam from

  2. Hi, some great tips. I can struggle to get to sleep and have tried several methods. Reading a book in bed seems to help me, Chloe #MarvelousMondays

  3. I'm definitely guilty of getting into bed and having one last look at my phone. I need to stop doing this. I always found reading a book before bedtime helped but literally haven't done this since before my son was born 7 years ago. Great tips in this post, thanks!

  4. I definitely need to minimise worry at bed time! #marvmondays

  5. I find reading a book of the paper kind, not on line, is the best way to drift off and I leave my phone downstairs. #BigPinkLink

  6. This is so fitting for my last few nights. Between the kids being up all night back and forth, sleeping in everyone's bed at some point or another and stressing about my new book release I am not sleeping at ALL!

  7. I find reading for a while helps me to wind down and I'm convinced my lavender pillows help me to sleep better

  8. I find reading for a while helps me to wind down and I'm convinced my lavender pillows help me to sleep better

  9. I'm a terrible sleeper but the best way I found of drifting off to sleep is to start to relax my body I mean let my legs relax then alway up to my head and it works

  10. A hot bath and reading my book always helps. Me sleep

  11. 4-7-8 breathing
    Breathe in to the count of 4, hold for 7, breathe out for 8

  12. #2 - YES! I have to tell myself to "switch off", if not I would be thinking about what I have forgotten or must do the next day. It's terrible as I can get out of bed and check 20 times before sleeping. Thanks for sharing your tips with #bigpinklink

  13. What a fantastic competition. I can't remember the last time the little man let us sleep for ,onger than an hour in one go, I need to make more of an effort to get real sleep. Thank you for reminding us all at #PostsFromTheHeart of the importance of this.

  14. It's the clutter in our bedroom. We really need to make some changes, I'm sure we'd sleep better. It's the most neglected room in the house!

  15. I can only sleep with the radio on all night, speech radio not music

  16. I am not a good sleeper, tried reading a book, watching the tv, tried most things, trouble is when i am so tired, i am a nightmare to be with, i end up taking a sleeping tablet, to make me have a good nights sleep, then the next day i am heavy headed

  17. i used to love my sleep, i still do but don't get enough since had my twin babies. i really would LOVE to wakeup naturally one day!

  18. I have got worse at sleeping all through the night as I have got older I think I read for too long when I should get my head down.

  19. I'm currently working on a similar wake-up alarm clock called Lark. Wake-up lights help curtail the production of melatonin prior to your alarm going off. This is why they make it easier to get out of bed. I can highly recommend one, especially in the winter.

  20. Ive always been a terrible insomniac. I find fresh , crisp bedding and honey and camomile tea a well as kicking the other half into the spare room ha ha ha. Fab giveaway would love to be your lucky winner x fingers crossed

  21. Ive always been a terrible insomniac. I find fresh , crisp bedding and honey and camomile tea a well as kicking the other half into the spare room ha ha ha. Fab giveaway would love to be your lucky winner x fingers crossed

  22. I get insomnia about 4 times a year for a week without any reason whatsoever! other than that I sleep 8 hours, all fine!!

  23. Great tips - I also find that wearing ear plugs really help as I cannot sleep with any noise whatsoever

  24. Great ideas everyone - thanks for sharing! Have you got more tips?

  25. I find it always helps sleep to have a hot milky drink before bedtime.

  26. Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time everyday, get as much natural sunlight as possible, move vigorously during the day – don’t sit for more than an hour, limit caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and big meals at night, take time for relaxing activities before sleep and create a calm and restful sleep environment.

  27. Lie in your bed and stretch out. Start at your toes, stretch them, then relax. Then your feet. Then your ankles, calves and so on up the body until you are totally relaxed and sleep takes over. Sweet dreams.

  28. A lovely article and a lovely giveaway. It would be great to have better sleep - we all neeed it! #TheListLinky

  29. Lots of great tips there. I am most definitely burning the candle at both ends and the lack of sleep is starting to show I think. We have been wanting to try out the Lumie Bodyclock, it looks brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing with the #DreamTeam

  30. I will be following your suggestions as bed time is a huge issue for us #Postsfromtheheart

  31. I'm terrible for getting to sleep on a night. My brain just won't switch off. It worries about everything. And honestly when it gets really bad I pop nytol tablets. Not sure if they actually work or if it's just the placebo effect but I end up feeling guilty about taking them which after a few days makes me stop and I go back to being a zombie. Tough cycle.

  32. It's really good to be reminded about how important sleep is for us adults so we can function and be the best for our children. I'm terrible at checking everything's off several times before I go to bed, and then I'm stressed about it. Since having children my sleep has definitely never been the same. #bigpinklink

  33. I really struggle with sleep & having bipolar I've wanted a Lumie Body Clock for ages now to see if this could help with my low moods!

  34. Great tips, thank you for sharing :)

  35. I would love to try a Lumie body clock to see if it would help me wake up more easily. And my partner has real trouble sleeping so I wonder if it could help her with that. Even if it just felt nice. All in all, a fab prize, thank you!

  36. Great tips for getting a good sleep; but there is sleep and proper sleep in my life. Times where I feel I am not actually asleep yet I am, the morning I am groggy and moody because of it. This would be perfect to help me get some proper shut eye.

  37. Brilliant tips, i love the idea of the pad and pen as I'm always thinking of something at silly o'clock.

  38. this would be prefect for me, I am always struggling in the mornings

  39. Great tips. Will try to see if they help. Though I suffer from chronic pain which keeps me awake so not sure if they will work. But I'll try anything once. Fingers crossed 😀

  40. I don't use tech before bed, I have no tv's in the bedroom.

  41. I find that reading a book before I go to sleep helps me to relax.

  42. Great sleeping tips, thank you.

  43. My sleep problems come mainly from worrying about things I have no way of controling come bed time. What I do to combat this is have a pad next to the bed and write down what's on my mind so that I can rest easy knowing I won't forget and can deal with it after a good nights sleep.


  44. So in the event that you are experiencing rest apnea, it is imperative that you get analyze instantly and get suitable treatment and treatments. Sara

  45. I am a terrible sleeper and often suffer with insomnia! I will try and take these ideas to bed to see if they help me sleep, rather than lay awake in bed for hours!

  46. Great tips, will certainly be giving one or two a try

  47. I normally have a nice hot bath before bed then read a book before i fall asleep

  48. Thanks for the tips x

  49. Try a relaxation CD when your in bed , relaxing all the muscles helps. Also a self aromatherapy massage using lavender & Roman chamomile in a base oil. Massage the knots out .

  50. Reading always helps me fall asleep

  51. I try and go to bed at a similar time each night and don't look at my phone when I get into bed, helps a bit

  52. i put ear plugs in great to help you nod off

  53. i find having a cup of lavender tea and reading a bit before bed helps

  54. Great competition. Sleep is so important. I try to read in bed and this tends to make me sleepy.

  55. I have to be honest, I never get a good night's sleep! I would love to try some new things to help, though, as I've been an insomniac since the age of 11!

  56. I can only sleep with earplugs to block out the ambient noise.

  57. I have chronic sleep apnea so sleep with a CPAP machine which has much improved my quality of sleep.

  58. I find that listening to an audio book sometimes sends me to sleep. Some great tips of yours, my sleep can be all over the place as I sleep in the day due to chronic fatigue. It's kind of hit and miss for me!

  59. Reading always helps me to sleep

  60. I've got to read a book for a short while before I fall asleep, it doesn't take long but once I start to read my eyes become tired and I'm ready for sleep. Looking at my phone/tablet doesn't have the same effect

  61. fresh bedding and a spritz of lavender on your bedding

  62. Great ideas, I find what I eat effects my sleep.

  63. natural is always the best way

  64. Lavender on the pillow has always helped me x

  65. I find it extremely difficult to get to sleep at night. Once I actually manage to get to sleep, I stay asleep but actually trying to fall asleep is a total nightmare. I can still be wide awake at 2.30, needing to get up again at 6.30 for work in the morning. I have tried all the remedies I can think off, and nothing seems to work!

  66. Brandon Sparks8 April 2017 at 11:40

    Great tips.. Now I am hoping that I can sleep like a baby...

  67. I have 4 boys, the oldest is Autistic and the child that was the youngest until my baby come along is also going through diagnosis of autism and adhd.. Sleep is not the best in our home with the oldest having sleep issues and a baby that doesnt like sleep! I will definitely try some of your tips out :-)

  68. Fabulous reading :) I will certainly be giving them a try thank you :) x x

  69. I love my sleep but have trouble getting comfy as I have arthritis in my jaw. All the help is gratefully received

  70. I have so much on my mind i cant sleep and im just exhausted wld love something like this to help xx

  71. I have so much on my mind i cant sleep and im just exhausted wld love something like this to help xx

  72. great tips hope i get a good night sleep <3 thanks for the chance to win :D xx

  73. I spray Lavender on my pillows to calm and relax me for a blissful nights sleep. Thanks for the chance

  74. I'm always on my phone at night before bed, I didn't know about limitting blue light before bed though. So thanks for that tip. I like to have a nice bath to unwind and relax before I snuggle down


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