Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Baubles & Babbles: Aiming High

Welcome to my last Baubles and Babbles, my Christmas series that were little notes on helping my family communicate over the Christmas holidays. Before we head back to school, this last post is about setting expectations for the New Year.

My kids make progress at school and I'm not always aware of how much they can do. But I do know David can string several Makaton signs together and when he tries he can make two syllable shapes after each other.  I also know Anthony's speech targets includes responding in full sentences and adding 'wow' words.

I'm wasn't going to withhold fun at Christmas or expect targets to be hit at all in the midst of present opening. But during the normal parts of the day now I can encourage the boys to request/respond in full sentences as appropriate. During breakfast it a good idea as its routine. Jane is three and in many ways communicates better than the boys but she can benefit from these too.

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