
Friday, 4 November 2016

Fantastic fireworks painting activity

This is a fantastic fireworks craft activity that helps kids learn about fireworks celebrations and develop their pincer grip whilst having awesome fun.

We had great fun with this activity at Me Too & Co, a local charity that supports families with disabled children. They run wonderful play sessions and this week it includes this fireworks kiddie craft activity. It will help develop pincer grip as kids pick up and tubes and glitter and because it uses printing, it can be done without getting painty hands for those who like to stay dry!  

Spread the plates and glitter around the table that way you'll encourage yours kids to observe, stretch and cross their mid-line too. All good skills. This activity also has the advantage of helping kids who may be nervous about fireworks prepare for them (see more ideas for that here) or encourage them to chat to you about what they have seen at displays.

To do this at home you will need:

> Paper plates
(or regular ones if you don't mind putting paint on them)
>Bright paints
> Toilet roll tubes sliced at one end to make spider shapes



> Add some paint to separate plates 
>Then add your cut toilet roll tube to each one to create some firework stamps
> Let your littlest ones print madly and wildly onto paper.

>Before the paint dries, help them the grab some glitter to sprinkle on their pages. 
Voila- beautiful fireworks!


>Try it out on different materials; coloured paper, cardboard or adding a bonfire to your picture?

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  1. What a great idea. My little ones could do this at school. Thank you for sharing with us at #EatSleepBlogRT 🎉

  2. We did this too :) it is so much fun isn't it? My toddler was very proud of her firework painting! #bestandworst

  3. We did the glitter one. I had the toilet roll paint one on my list but we didn't get round to it. #bloggerclubuk

  4. We did the glitter one. I had the toilet roll paint one on my list but we didn't get round to it. #bloggerclubuk

  5. Great idea. I happened across our huge crafting box the other day and I reckon it's time I let the girls have a go with it again... just got to find time to blog it too ;) #BloggerClubUK

  6. I love this fireworks craft - it's so simple but so effective :-)

  7. These are brilliant! I will keep this in mind for next year #coolmumclub

  8. What a brilliantly simple idea! Thanks for linking up, please do stop by again #bestandworst


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