Monday, 29 August 2016

Books in the summer

Summer.  Are you lounging by the pool with a good book?  Are your kids?  No?  Well don't worry if they are. Books can be escapism for kids too. Read this post


  1. I absolutely agree with the author. I have two years old daughter and she likes reading with me very much.

  2. I love books and I hope that my baby will love them as well. I hope he will be not spend too much time with tablets, tv etc #EatSleepBlogRT

  3. This is fab. My daughter loves her books at bedtime and we always read together. It is just some important for their development and imagination. Hope you had a great summer and thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

  4. Brilliant when they show an interest in books isn't it.
    I have two bookworms. The boys have an array of books and we also go to the library each week, so can't get enough of them here! :)

    Thanks for being part of #MMBC. Hope to see you next week xx

  5. It sounds like you have the perfect well-balanced summer. And I love your huge box of books.

  6. I absolutely love to read and my daughter, now she can read, really loves books too! I'm so glad it's something we can share together and I really think it helps with developing imagination. #bestandworst

  7. We are huge books worms and love reading when we are relaxing :) Thanks for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRt

  8. Both of mine love books (although Pudding likes to eat hers) My son loves to act out the stories after we have read them. So important to raise children to enjoy reading :) #EatSleepBlogRT

  9. Little Button loves books. I remember hubby looking at me bewildered when I started reading to her from a couple of days old. I am so glad that it rubbed off though as it doesn't matter what the weather, you can adventure anywhere with a book. Thank you for linking up to the #DreamTeam x

  10. Yes we love our books here and are finally going from chewing to actually looking at them now which is good!
    Sometimes, even in summer, quiet time is needed!
    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime

  11. It's one of the best things to make them occupied during summer session especially that they can make use of their time to learn something new rather than always doing something that doesn't seem to help them.

  12. My son loves to read because as he reads he gets into new magic worlds where he can become a hero or come up with an even more amazing and unreal.


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