Tuesday, 12 January 2016

5 things to know before applying for an EHCP (Education, Health & Care Plan)

I've learned lots whilst getting David in to his specialist unit and getting the support for Anthony, his older brother, via an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  I'm not a legal or council expert, just a parent whose gone through the process a few times and if you think your child might need extra support, here's a few things worth knowing. This post has been updated, read it here.


  1. Even though I am a teacher, so I know a fair bit of this, having it set out like this is still really useful. Thanks so much. I have two years until school and plan to go in fighting (in the nicest possible way) to make sure we get all the support we need!

    1. Totally understand. It's all wrong isn't it? We shouldn't need to go in fighting, it should be them fighting for our kids. Sounds like you'll be ready for it!

  2. Very insightful and a lot of things to think and consider. Thank you for sharing X #spectrumsunday

  3. Ann, this is a fantastic, educational post. We applied for EHCP and got denied funding for the full 30 hours a week Hayden was at school. I was so angry because Hayden needs constant 1:1 support at the moment, but after having it explained by someone on the phone it made total sense. Yet the school are doing everything in their power to appeal their decision, and something I am not pushing. They have funding for 21.5 hours a week and in my eyes the other 9 hours should come out of their SEN budget! Thank you for linking up to #spectrumsunday lovely! Hope to see you join me again this week xx

    1. It can be really hard when budgets in the borough and school are stretched. I suspect the borough can force the school to do this if necessary. But don't know for sure. Xxx


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