Thursday, 29 October 2015

Our terribly truthful child

Are we the most fortunate parents in the world? Our eldest son is 7 years old and he has never told me a lie. Never.

This doesn't mean he has never done anything wrong. Anthony will freely admit when he has been naughty and understands about the 'naughty step'.  He will offer up his guilt upon the first request of 'what happened here' and will even explain if he did it on purpose or if the event was actually an accident. Anthony has been diagnosed with ASD since he was 4 years old. He has always been literal and taken what he is told and sees as fact, which has proved difficult at times such as interpreting what is real and what is fiction on the television for example.   

Initially we thought he may have difficulty with thinking forward to the consequences of him being truthful and so saw no point in deceit. But there was a short while when Anthony would claim he didn't want to tell me something because he thought I'd be disappointed in him so I know he can think ahead.  At the time I assured him that no matter what he thought, I always wanted him to tell me the truth and he seems to have stuck to this.

But it's not all cheery cheery.  Anthony has wonderfully mocked some of my cooking as 'not being as good as normal', regularly declares I'm not being very nice to him when I'm helping other siblings instead and has mentioned to several relatives that they will mostly likely die before he does.

Today is the first day of the half term holidays that the whole family will be able to do something together.  Anthony has been very excited about his father not going to work.  However, yesterday he also confirmed that the main reason for this is not because he will get to spend time with his dad.  Instead, Anthony is looking forward to spending time with his dad's phone.  The Marvel Champions game has not been downloaded onto any of our other devices because they are on different accounts so Anthony can only play it when his dad, and therefore his dad's phone is at home. 

I sigh and then smile. Lucky Anthony.  A short while ago he also confided that he totally loved his dad and that his dad was his best friend.  And that was a wonderful truth to hear. He'll get to spend a few days now playing The Marvel Champions game sitting next to his best mate.  And of course, I'm the most fortunate mother in the world.

Our blog - A little bit of obsessions in action
Our blog - Anthony's first experience of guilt


  1. This is my 8 year old down to the phone. Lol

  2. I remember the day my son told his first lie! I called all my friends and family and shared as if it was all As on a report card! It was a beautiful thing.

  3. A couple of weeks ago my boy (10) said his first lie and I was so happy.
    Was I wrong? I think not lol

    1. It's times like that when I have to try not to show I'm happy and smiling inside. After all, I'm supposed to be upset!

  4. My 5 year old has never lied either. Sometimes we don't get a complete truth out of him or only pieces of a story. But once I find the right question, he freely admits what he did wrong. Today he truthfully told us he washed the Wii U Remote because it wasn't working. (I think it was just a frozen screen). It's really not working now :(

    1. We go through a lot of broken technology in our house!

  5. I'm regularly informed that my cooking is not as good as [insert any name]'s. Tho this morning with 4 boys for a sleep over, I managed to burn all the bacon and had to cook what was left again, so maybe it's a fair call. #KCACOLS

  6. I think its wonderful to be able to be so honest all the time. We spend so much of our time saying things because we are considering how it will be received. Its really refreshing to have honesty all the time. #KCACOLS

  7. It's so hard isn't it? Because on the one hand we don't want them to lie, but sometimes a little bit of a lie helps to keep life smooth (such as telling your MIL that her meal was lovely!) However as someone else commented, this is more about how we want others to think of maybe honesty is the best policy!Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  8. That must take some getting used to for other people that are around him but I'll bet its refreshing in a lot of ways #KCACOLS

  9. Oh bless him, at least you know where you stand with him. I melted at his Dad being his best mate! #KCACOLS

  10. My 5 year old hasn't old and old lied on purpose. He skips a lot of information because he gets excited! Lol. But once I slow him down and we talk, I usually get the full story. #KCACOLS

  11. Childlike honesty at all times makes for parents withthick skin, I would imagine. It must be a duel edged sword, refreshing and piercing at times. We have so much to learn fromour kids. Thank your for sharing this with us all! #kcacols xoxo

  12. Oh sweet Anthony! I suspect that our boy would always tell truth too, if he could speak. Although he does have quite a strong cheeky streak in him, so who knows..? Lol x #KCACOLS

  13. Bless. Nothing wrong with a truthful child. If you ask mine what he's thinking about he'll tell you train downstairs and trains on your phone. #kcacols


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